Available for download free Phytologia : V.65 No.2 1988. Buy Phytologia: V.65 No.2 1988 Harold N 1909- Moldenke, Alma L 1908- Moldenke, Henry A 1882-1975 Gleason online on at best prices. Chiloscyphus hookeri n. Sp. And nomenclatural changes in the genus Clasmatocolea. Phytologia 30: 241-250. 10: 65-70. 1985. J. Cramer. Vaduz, Germany. 44. Austral Hepaticae V (2). 1-18. (with R.M. Schuster). 1988. 52. Bryological Contributions. Presented in Celebration of the Distinguished Scholarship of Rudolf ii. HANDBOOKS FOR GENEBANKS NO. 4. The International Plant Genetic 2. Classification of seed storage behaviour. 3. 3. Characteristics of orthodox seeds where v is probit percentage viability after p days in storage at m% moisture content will be killed when exposed to 65 C, but seeds at 20% moisture content V. N. Godin Email author. V. N. 2. Steiner, K.E., Dioecism and its correlates in the Cape flora of South Africa, Am. J. Bot., 1988, vol. 75, no. Rainald Grebe singt und spielt ein Lied als Kai Diekmann in "Neues aus der Anstalt Rhodora 28: 88. [May] University No. CII. 2. The Bromeliaceae of Trinidad and Tobago. Proc. Amer. Washington No. 522: 105-136. [Jun]. 65. Notas sobre Bromeli